The show will be open to the public on the Saturday during Early Settler’s Day, 9am to 5pm at the Koshare Museum.
During Early Settler’s Day, take a moment to enjoy artwork from local artists in Southeast Colorado.
Artwork in the show include oil paintings, acrylics, watercolors, pastels, graphics, photography, altered photographs, mixed media and 3-D Arts (including jewelry, fiber arts, pottery, sculpture, miscellaneous).
At 10AM, the Early Settlers Day Parade, kicks off the festivities for the day. During this time, it seems the entire community comes out to participate in or watch as parade winds its way through downtown La Junta.
The parade starts at 6th and Santa Fe, head North on Santa Fe to 2nd St, East to Colorado, South on Colorado, and back to 6th and Santa Fe.
Early Settler’s Day features a day long event with activities that include, a fun run, kids fishing derby, car show, kids treasure hunt, poker run, skateboard competition, beer garden, horseshoe contest, street dance, main stage entertainment, talent contest, pie eating contest, and much more.
While the parade centers around downtown La Junta, most of the events and activities are held at the La Junta City Park.
In the La Junta City Park, during Early Settler’s Day, you can discover delicious treats and tasty eats at many of the vendors at the location. In addition to these vendors, don’t forget to explore the culinary flavors from our locally owned and operated dining establishments.
207 1/2 Colorado Avenue • La Junta, CO 81050
Phone: 303-518-8261 • Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm