At the current time, we are looking for projects that have profound public benefit and stretch our dollars to benefit all. We will consider any projects that are brought before us, but the project must meet the criteria called out in the Colorado state statute for blight and safety.

There are 11 factors of blight identified in the law, and four of them must be found for an area to be declared an urban renewal area, unless there is no objection by the property owner(s) and tenants, in which case only one factor of blight must be present. If eminent domain is used, five factors of blight must be found. The following factors are used to determine if an area is blighted:

The Funding Area

The La Junta Urban Renewal Authority’s mission is the elimination of blighted areas through creative redevelopment.

To accomplish its mission, the authority works in close partnership with the City of La Junta and City Council.

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