Historic Preservation Tax Credit Information

A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in the amount of tax owed to the government.

Tax credits to preservation  projects create jobs and provide financial incentives to revitalize historic buildings. The federal government also offers a tax credit of 20 percent, which can be paired with the Colorado state tax credit. Federal and state tax laws offer tax credits for historic  preservation projects that follow the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Rehabilitation of Historic Properties.

Preservation tax credits for  commercial properties are managed jointly by the Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) and History Colorado.




Applications for the residential and commercial state preservation tax credit are accepted year-round on a rolling basis. Each commercial building  is limited to $1 million in credit  in any one calendar year. Owners may apply for credits on multiple properties.

Residential applicants are  encouraged to apply before starting work or in the early stages of the rehabilitation project.

Note: Each residential building is limited to $50,000 in credits over a ten-year period unless the building is sold to a new owner.

La Junta's CLG promotes the active use of our community's historic properties

We believe in preserving our heritage while promoting livable, vital places throughout our community.

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